
UK DIVING SERVICES LTD - Underwater Contractors. Safety Boat Hire And Rescue Boat Services

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Leaders In Underwater Inspection , Survey & Rescue



Office: 0333 3390767         Mobile 07455 123182




Harwich Harbour Authority Shipping Cardinal Beacon Inspection

UK Diving Services have delivered a dive team to Harwich Harbour Authority HHA for the purpose of assessing the severity and extent of any structural or corrosive damage to the steel piled beacons within the river Stour. Additionally a measured survey was conducted providing details and dimensions of requested structural components. Our inspectors were working at height and below the water.


Cromer Pier Underwater Structural Pile Jacket Condition And Scour Survey

On instruction from North Norfolk Council and HOP Engineering, UK Diving Services have completed an extensive inspection of the structural steel pile supports beneath the pier head on Cromer Pier. The scour survey included underwater 2D sonar scanning and underwater imagery. The underwater condition assessment included inspection to the pier legs, concrete encasements and steel jackets as well assessing any previous scour measures previously implemented. The severity and extent of damage and or corrosion was recorded accordingly

Underwater Inspection Of Old Billingsgate River Jetty Thames London

UK Diving Services have completed a detailed underwater survey to the Old Billingsgate Jetty on the tidal River Thames. The survey included inspection on radial concrete piles and timber fenders supporting a vaulted concrete deck. Old billingsgate was previously London's main fish market until the 1980s when it was moved to east London where it still resides today. The Old Billingsgate building and jetty are now a premier events venue.


Underwater Structural Condition Survey Of Battersea Pier Jetty, Ladders And Fenders

UK Diving Services Ltd have been awarded the structural inspection contract on behalf of CBRE at Battersea Power Station Coaling Jetty in the heart of central London on the tidal river Thames. The survey and maintenance schedule includes a condition inspection of the Transport For London (TFL) clipper mooring pontoon, fenders and piles.

The inspection of the 150m long structure adjacent the tidal river wall and adjacent the power station outfalls will include an underwater structural condition survey of the submerged timbers identifying any areas where the pier legs may benefit from structural bracing and or repair. An underwater sonar survey will be deployed to better understand the riverbed profiling


Norbit Winghead High Ping Sonar System

UK Diving Services Ltd now use the Norbit Winghead in addition to our Blueview 3D sonar as another option for underwater modelling and scanning of submerged marine structures including bridge piers, abutments, dock and river walls, scoured river and seabed locations.

River Wall Scour Survey Locating Structural Undermining And Areas Of Potential Collapse

UK Diving Services Ltd are a leading UK underwater investigation company specialising in the assessment of assets threatened by scour and or undermining. Our teams work in some of the most challanging underwater environments to locate, assess and repair damaged marine assets. UKDS utilise underwater imagery both conventional and sonar to understand environments where scour and its long term effects are present. Our underwater systems are developed to measure undermined scour voids in deep or fast flowing water and establish methods of repair.

3D Modelling For Scour Level 2 Surveys Using Sonar

3D sonar and terrestrial laser scanning allow detailed accurate working models to assist with planning for scour protection and calculations for scour level 2 surveys

UK Diving Services Provide Underwater Investigations Following Severe Flooding

Our dive teams recently provided underwater support to Scotland's highways and infrastructure. UK Diving Services were contracted to provide sonar, topographical surveys and river bed profiling following severe flooding which closed one of Scotland's trunk roads. The water levels were extremely high with fast flowing water threatening the integrity of the structure and making progress difficult. Scour investigations were provided along with structural evaluations of the bridge primary components such as abutments and piers etc. Water levels were above the steel deck beam pictured at the upper left of the picture!

Skye Bridge Underwater Survey For Sea Bed Profiling And Pier Support Condition

UK Diving Services Ltd have provided underwater services and support on Skye Bridge in Scotland on behalf of Transport Scotland.

The underwater inspection included sea bed profiling and an underwater condition assessment of the submerged concrete caissons. All observations and findings were recorded with comparisons being drawn to the previous underwater survey of 2015 which was also provided by UKDS.

Exeter Bridge & Weir Underwater Scour Survey

UK Diving Services have provided underwater support services to AECOM infrastructure and engineering company. The purpose of the works was to determine the underwater condition of the concrete structure and better understand the river bed profile including locating any scour holes or undercut and or undermining from scouring issues. Any scour protection measures were to be recorded using digital 2D sonar imagery in nearly zero visibility murky silty water. 

Structural Surveys Of Bridges & Culverts Within The UK Infrastructure

A UK wide infrastructure company required a detailed visual inspection of their bridge assets to ensure the structural integrity of each underwater structure. UK Diving Services Ltd provided an inspection program including an assessment of every detail of the submerged structures making sure the bridges would be safe for continued use by the general public. Many of the surrounding localised areas were considered as environmentally sensative and strict environmental controls and protocols were implemented in line with our environmental policy.

The scope of our work included developing a project plan and safety program including field inspections and detailed written reports, Additionally much of the scope included recommending maintenance and or remedial repairs, recording video and photographic images. From the conclusive evidence UKDS provided rehabilitation or replacement options with associated cost estimates and options for developing technical and executive reports summarizing the findings. Our bridge surveyors and inspection teams developed carbon friendly access routes and scheduling systems that enabled efficient completion of the work. The bridge inspections were complied inline with BD 97/12 THE ASSESSMENT OF SCOUR AND OTHER HYDRAULIC ACTIONS AT HIGHWAY STRUCTURES for bridges, culverts and water management structures.

UK Diving Services Ltd ensured state government owned infrastructure remains safe allowing the bridges to continue to be a vital link within the communities they serve.



UK Diving Services Secure Underwater Inspection Of Various Bridge Structures Within Environmental Sensitive Areas

UKDS have secured several bridge inspections within the Scottish Borders contracted to Stantec UK. The surveys include underwater inspections of the submerged structural elements to determine scour and or undermining as well as better understanding of the structural integrity of the bridge piers, abutments and river beds. 

Our surveyors, engineers and environmental experts once again provide the groundwork for UK infrastructure with sustainability focused goals and environmental science woven into all our projects.



Mound Sluices Seabed Survey

UK Diving Services Ltd have provided a detailed inspection and seabed survey of Mound Sluices in Scotland. The inspection included seabed sampling and underwater sonar imagery to determine areas of bedrock surrounding the downstream area of the flap valve structure. The survey also included aerial drone footage shot in 4K video at varying states of the tidal cycle. Underwater ROV with sonar capability was utilised.

Aerial image showing direction and location of underwater sonar tracks

3D Point Cloud Underwater Sonar Investigations Of Historic Masonry Arch Bridge

UK Diving Services have provided an underwater 3D sonar investigation of an historic masonry arch bridge structure on behalf of WSP and Kier. The sonar survey comprised of 56no x 360 degree individual scans knitted together to form an accurate underwater point cloud image of where the bridge interface's with the riverbed. The underwater sonar images were  knitted with surface laser scanning data to provide a complete data package of the entire both above and below water structure. A detailed topographical survey was also recorded.


Underwater Point Cloud Surveys And Laser Scanning

Underwater Bridge Inspection - Working With AECOM

UK Diving Services have provided detailed underwater bridge surveys on behalf of AECOM. The inspections have ranged from small non tidal structures to larger marine structures adjacent tidal waterways. The underwater structural inspections were carried out by CSWIP qualified divers providing detailed written reports on the sub sea findings

Underwater Sonar - The Tool Of Choice 2022

Sonar is quickly becoming the tool of choice for aiding the underwater inspection of bridge structures. They have the ability to create detailed high resolution images around bridge footings, piers, cut water's and abutments including other areas such as sea walls, dams, river walls, ports and harbors. Sonar inspections provide valuable information on underwater submerged bridge structures which may include details of damaged components, water depths and structural measurements including undercut and scour measurements. They are ideal for creating detailed scour surveys in difficult water conditions. Underwater subsea assets and infrastructures worldwide need to be surveyed regularly for problems caused by conditions including undercut, scour, impact and or structural damage. Corrosion, debris and other causes can also cause major problems needing regular inspection. Diving surveyors and inspection engineers will provide visual surveys when water conditions are clear allowing easy working. When conditions worsen and visibility becomes impaired due to murky water a more tactile hands on survey is usually required. These underwater environments can present many hazards to working divers and fortunately todays technology gives the option to reduce risk with the aid of modern sonar devices. The detail and accuracy of these sonar devices can create safe working environments for divers prior to water entry by simply understanding what the area looks like prior to getting wet. These sonar systems provide high accuracy 2D and 3D sonar scans of underwater structure and provide environmental data in zero visibility water conditions. 

Our sonar surveys provide high resolution detailed images and video in any water conditions. The sonar services we offer include simple 2D data imagery and live video imagery through to more complex 3D point cloud data. Our sonar transducers can be attached to or deployed from small work vessels, attached to poles, tripods and,ROVs. Each sonar whatever the deployment method can be used for principle and general inspections, environmental and structural evaluations and real time underwater works monitoring.



UK Diving Services Utilise New Sonar Technology To Find Underwater Vehicles And Fixed Structures

Our new sonar technology uses live sonar imagery to find underwater sunken vehicles, vessels and many other lost assets. The sonar system allows constant monitoring of any underwater object from any angle and depth. This unique system provides high resolution sonar video with exceptional detail and accuracy for later viewing. The sonar is perfect for viewing fixed structures where the water quality and visibility is poor allowing for a comprehensive visual understanding of what is happening beneath the water surface. The sonar scans assets such as bridges and culverts, dock walls and pilings, piles and sheet pile walls, pontoons, aqueducts and viaducts. Deliverables are in the form of a video file and can be linked to GPS.


UK Diving Services Awarded Bridge Inspection Contract On Behalf Of Angus Council

UK Diving Services have won a tender to inspect 4no x bridge structures on behalf Angus Council. The structures vary in design from modern steel to historic masonry brick arch construction. The assets cross both tidal and non tidal waterways with one being confined space entry.


UKDS awarded 2019 CIHT AWARD

UK DIVING SERVICES are credited on the CIHT 2019 safety award for innovation management and implementation of safety systems during diving and inspection procedures. The award holds its merit on diving and inspection works completed on the Menai Suspension Bridge as part of a joint venture with ATKINS GLOBAL

Confined Space Access Team - Damaged Invert Within Reinforced Concrete Culvert

On inspection of a complex culvert system UK Diving Services confined space team discover extensive damage to a reinforced concrete invert due to scour followed by undermining. Our inspectors measured the voids underneath each area of concern and recommended urgent remedial works to prevent further damage threatening the integrity of the structure. All data was recorded in accordance with the Roads & Bridges Manual BD63/17 and BD 97/12 and a scope for remedial works implemented. UKDS is one of the UK's leading bridge inspection companies for investigation of underwater assets.

UK Diving Services Ltd Discover Undermining To Masonry Arch Bridge Structure

UK Diving Services Ltd recently undertook a series of underwater bridge surveys for a local Scottish council and found significant scour and undercut to one of the bridge piers. All data was recorded in accordance with the Roads & Bridges Manual BD63/17 and BD 97/12 and a scope for remedial works implemented.


Work Boats And Pontoons For Repair Works At Paper Mill Works

UKDS have provided work boats and pontoons for urgent repair and maintenance works at Prudhoe Paper Mill. The recently refurbished sludge/pulp tank required water baffles to be adjusted to allow a more even flow over the circular perimeter of the tank. UKDS provided trained commercial divers and boat skippers to assist with the project which was completed ahead of time.

Access Boat And Pontoon Hire Services Supplied To Paper Factory

UK Diving Services Provide Underwater Inspection Services On The Menai Suspension Bridge -The Menai Strait

UKDS have recently been contracted by ATKINS engineering to provide underwater services on the Menai Bridge. The project included checking all submerged elements of the masonry stone piers checking for scour, structural damage or/and undermining to the structure. The region has very high tides making inspection windows very short and diving conditions demanding.

Underwater 3D Blueview Sonar And Terrestrial Laser Scan On Behalf Of Kier Construction

UK Diving Services Ltd have provided a complete under and above water model of Thrapston Nine Arches Bridge to determine if any structural damage or underwater scour is present. Our diving team and underwater surveyors scanned the structure over a period of 5 days. Deliverable's were laser and sonar data in .pts and .xyz files allowing viewing of a point cloud.

UKDS Secure Diving Survey Of Dock Wall On Behalf Of SWECO

UK Diving Services Ltd have secured a diving survey of Lobnitz Dock on the tidal Clyde in Glasgow, Scotland. Our underwater surveyors are to provide detailed information on the dock walls and adjacent seabed. The wall inspection will include a 2D sonar sweep to identify targets showing areas of concern and better understand bed levels along the walls. Visibility is very limited within the Clyde tidal waterway and sonar is an excellent back up to any diving survey allowing engineers to better understand any scour or damage. All UK Diving Services surveys are backed with free complimentary 2D sonar imagery. 3D acoustic sonar is also available POA.

UK Diving Services Ltd Provide 3D Underwater Sonar Acoustic Point Cloud Survey

UK Diving Services Ltd are working with Kier WSP on behalf of Northamtonshire Highways providing diving services supported by hi resolution three dimensional sonar surveys on a nine arch masonry stone bridge. The 3D mapping data in .xyz format for point cloud will show undermining and scour holes within the structure and adjacent areas. The invert, piers and abutments are scanned by placing a transducer on a tripod as well as fixing to a vessel using gps. 


UKDS Dive Service Provide Underwater Pier Jetty And River Sea Wall Inspection

UKDS dive services recently provided underwater surveys of an extensive pier and jetty structure. The surveys included the inspection of culverts along the river and sea walls within the tidal estuary,. Working with strong tides and limited tidal windows UKDS diving service compiled a detailed underwater principle inspection (UPI) of the structure for comparison to the previous underwater general inspection (UGI) some years earlier. As one of the UK's leading underwater bridge inspection companies our surveyors provide detailed underwater inspection of bridges, culverts, dams, piers, docks, moorings and any other submerged structural asset. 

Principle Bridge Inspections & Remedial Scour Repairs 

UK Diving Services Ltd have recently completed 4no x underwater principle inspections for Kier WSP on behalf of Northamtonshire Highways. The surveys from our dive service identified scouring and undermining to some of the upstream elements of the structure. Repairs included placing of underwater scour packs into voids beneath the masonry structure and placing scour protective rock up to adjacent bed levels. This is a typical example of how important dive services are when protecting underwater structural assets from scour and undermining

Confined Space Outfall Survey Beneath Hampton Court Palace

UKDS have recently undertaken a confined space entry beneath Hampton Court Palace in Surrey. The purpose of the survey was to determine the condition of the brick tudor structure and its lay. The structure was an old sewage outfall from and since demolished toilet block within the palace likely constructed around the reign of Henry 8th. Additionally a basic sonar scan was undertaken beneath the Jetty in front of the culvert to further peek into history. The overall condition of this 500 year old structure is a testament to the construction methods and materials used by the tudors.



UKDS Diving Surveyors Provide Dive Surveys After Bridge Remedial Works

UK Diving Services have successfully provided dive surveys to numerous bridge structures across Kent, Sussex, Surrey and Scotland. The surveys were to assess the condition of recent remedial works undertaken at each structure. Written reports were provided including detailed digital photography and video.

 Bridge Underwater Sonar And Diving Surveys - Transport Scotland

UK Diving Services Ltd recently undertook diving and sonar surveys on numerous underwater structures in Inverness in the Scottish Highlands, Scotland. The purpose of the inspection was to determine the extent of any scour if present. Due to the visual limitations in water using conventional video and still photography all our diving surveys are backed by underwater sonar giving stand off images for engineers to better understand the condition of their structures and to help implement remedial works. Sonar is now a complimentary service with all UK Diving Services underwater surveys.

Underwater Survey And Sonar 

For the third consecutive year UK Diving Services have provided underwater services on various Bridge assets throughout Scotland on behalf of Transport Scotland.  UKDS provided a full underwater scour and condition surveys of many of the bridge structures and concluded that urgent repairs were required to several of the structures. Some of the bridge structures exhibited deeper channel piers where sea bed levels had dropped and the supporting Hercules piles had become exposed.  Repairs were undertaken including concrete grouting and the placing of extensive rock armour. Rock is a good fundamental scour protection however by protecting one pier generally tends to pass the scour problem to the next adjacent unprotected pier. We have now introduced sonar backed diving surveys for monitoring a structure's scour protection. 


Propeller And Rudder Inspection Of Damaged Vessel After Running Aground

UK Diving Services Ltd attended an emergency call out to a damaged ship. The vessel ran aground whilst entering Great Yarmouth causing the starboard  prop to stall. On inspection from our underwater dive team in was concluded that the starboard rudder assembly was bent forward directly into the propeller blades causing extensive damage and jamming the propeller. Written damage report and video was submitted on conclusion of inspection

Underwater Survey Of Power Station Reservoir Tower Hydro Intake Screens

UK Diving Services Ltd have undertaken a full underwater sonar and diving inspection of the intake screens on behalf of Zenith for Scottish Power. The intake screens  and forebay were at 12m depth and clear of debris. NDT inspection of the steel work was carried out. 2D sonar provides helpful underwater images to back any diving inspection or survey

UK Diving Services Ltd - Sewage Outfall Inspection

UK Diving Services recently assisted PGL Travel with an inspection of a blocked sewage outfall which discharges into the river Tay in central Scotland. Our diving team provided a digital video survey of the submerged elements of the sewage pipe including the open discharge end and trash screen.

Internal Inspection Of Concrete Sewage Effluent Pipe At STW Treatment Plant

UK Diving Services Ltd have undertaken an internal inspection of of a decommissioned concrete sewage effluent pipe. the purpose of the survey was to understand the condition within the pipe to determine if the structure is structurally sound to support plant crossing the adjacent access road. The pipe was in a flooded state during inspection.

UK Diving Services Provide Thames Safety Boat Services In London

UKDS are currently contracted by the Greenhatch Group to assist with surveying Southmere Lake in London. The project is part of a larger scheme which includes the demolition of a large residential estate with a view to build next generation housing.

UKDS Contracted To Atkins On Behalf Of Severn Trent Water

UK Diving Services recently completed a variety of principle bridge inspections on behalf of ATKINS engineering. The works included underwater inspection and sonar surveys of two large multiple arch bridges spanning the Ladybower reservoir. The structures were built during the second world war prior to damming and flooding of the valley and villages below. An interesting project that demanded extensive planning and skill due to the depth of the bridge piers which met bed level at 31m.

UKDS Closely Monitor Aberdeen Bridges

UK Diving Services re-visit Persley Bridge And  Bridge Of Dee in Aberdeen to undertake point cloud 3D sonar and topographic surveys of the structures. The data was compared to previous surveys of the the structures to determine the extent of any scour or undercut to the bridge. Additionally dive surveys were undertaken to examine the condition of the structure piers and abutments. The project was co-ordinated on behalf of Bear Scotland and Transport Scotland

UKDS Provide River Wall Inspection In Sunderland

UK Diving Services have been contracted on behalf of CAPITA to provide a river wall condition survey to determine suitability prior to the construction of a new road to link to the new River Wear crossing. The new road bridge will be a two span cable stayed bridge with an A-frame pylon rising to 105m crossing the River Wear between Castletown and and Pallion. The new bridge will have two lanes of traffic in each direction, plus cycleways and footpaths along its full length. Our dive team inspected a variety of structures along the wall from concrete piers and sheet pile walls to areas of timber fenders and rock embankments.

Safety Boat And Pontoon Services From Sunderland To River Thames

UK Diving Services Provide Thames Safety Boat Services

UKDS are providing safety boat services in central London on the river Thames. Our 7.2m RIB is equipped with all the latest safety equipment required by the Port Of London Authority to operate a rescue boat on the tidal Thames. Last year UKDS operated a safety boat on behalf of Mackley at London Bridge whilst the new staircase was being fabricated and installed adjacent and over the waterway. During the 6 month operation our crews rescued 3 persons from the river Thames.

Thames Safety Boat Services

River Wall Underwater Diving Inspection And Sonar Survey

UKDS have secured a river wall inspection in Sunderland north east England. The survey involves underwater inspection of the tidal river wall over several hundred meters. Due to likely poor visibility within the area divers will be using tactile probing methods of inspection backed by 2d sonar images.

Hovercraft Hire And Rental Services

UKDS now offer hovercraft rental and hire services for cost effective, fast and safe transport for commercial operations nationwide. Applications include flood rescue, inter-tidal and near shore works, access, surveying, archaeology, sampling, mapping, environmental monitoring, crew transfer and mud rescue. 

UKDS Win Contract For Bridge Inspections For Glasgow County Council

UK Diving Services have been awarded and undertaken 30 bridge inspections on behalf of SWECO and Glasgow County Council. The bridges include most of the roadway bridges on both the tidal and non tidal river Clyde. The inspections included underwater sonar and video recorded to BCI format.

London Tideway Sewer Tunnel Project

UK Diving Services are currently working on the Thames Tideway project on the tidal river Thames at Battersea and London Gateway. We are providing a 7.5m Port of London Authority coded RIB for safety and rescue boat operations on and within the waterway estuary.

The Thames Tideway Tunnel is an under-construction 25 km (16 mi) tunnel running mostly under the tidal section of the River Thames through central London, which will provide capture, storage and conveyance of almost all the combined raw sewage and rainwater discharges that currently overflow into the river.


Underwater Surveys Using 3D Multi-beam Sonar Scanning Techniques With Imagery Software

As an add-on to our conventional underwater diving inspections UK Diving Services Ltd now provide Hi-resolution 2D & 3D multi-beam sonar surveys  to survey  river beds, stone piers, concrete bag work, sheet pile walls, docks, moorings, scour holes and abutments etc. For further details please email us.

Angus Council Bridge Inspections

UK Diving Services Ltd recently provided bridge inspection services to Angus Council. Twelve bridges were surveyed to assess the extent of any scour/undercut to the structures and determine the bridges structural integrity

UK Diving Services Complete Post Flooding Bridge Inspections For Aberdeenshire Council

After severe flooding earlier this year UK Diving Services assisted with an urgent requirement to provide underwater surveys to several bridges on the river Dee and Don to assess their structural integrity. The surveys were completed on time successfully and written reports and video footage submitted. Other bridge inspections were also undertaken on smaller waterways including some confined space access

London Bridge Safety Boat Operations - Tidal Thames

UK Diving Services are providing safety boat operations at London Bridge as part of the new London Bridge staircase project adjacent the tidal Thames.

During our time on site UK Diving Services have participated in several rescue operations for real persons in water in close proximity to the bridge......proving our rescue plan is effective during real life emergencies.

UK Diving Services Secure Inspection Contract With AECOM On Behalf Of The Environment Agency

UK Diving Services win a confined space access contract with AECOM. Services include providing access to flooded culvets where diffrential pressure and other site specific hazards are present. The inspection will include cctv, UT readings and ndt.

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London Tideway Sewer Tunnel Project

UK Diving Services are currently working on the Thames Tideway project on the tidal river Thames at Battersea and London Gateway. We are providing a 7.5m Port of London Authority coded RIB for safety and rescue boat operations on and within the waterway estuary.

The Thames Tideway Tunnel is an under-construction 25 km (16 mi) tunnel running mostly under the tidal section of the River Thames through central London, which will provide capture, storage and conveyance of almost all the combined raw sewage and rainwater discharges that currently overflow into the river.


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